Here you can download data for all species present in ILORA version 1.0.
Here you can download data for all species present in ILORA version 1.0.
Here you can download data for all species present in ILORA version 1.0.
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Here you can download data for all species present in ILORA version 1.0
All data has been submitted to the figshare online repository as a part of the submitted manuscript
(DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13677460)
A RShiny application has been created to allow easy access and query-based search to the ILORA database ( From here, all the data files or a subset of the data can be downloaded in .csv format.
Any uses of ILORA should come with an acknowledgment - it is how we can be motivated further.
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For occurrence data in ILORA version 1.1, click HERE
Species categorization (origin status, invasion status, taxonomy)
ILORA_1_SpCategorization [data available for 1747 species; last updated: 2021.04.26]
General information (growth form, common name [English and vernacular], duration, type)
ILORA_2_GeneralInformation [data available for 1747 species; last updated: 2021.04.26]
Introduction history (pathway, first record, native range)
ILORA_3_NativeRange [data available for 1444 species; last updated: 2021.04.26]
ILORA_4_Introduction [data available for 1038 species; last updated: 2021.04.26]
Socio-economic information (uses, nursery sales)
ILORA_5_EconomicUses [data available for 1156 species; last updated: 2021.04.26]
ILORA_6_MarketDynamics [data available for 442 species; last updated: 2021.04.26]
Current distribution (occurrences and associated variables)
ILORA_7_Habitat [data available for 459 species; last updated: 2021.04.26]
ILORA_8_NaturalizedRange (TDWG level 4) [data available for 1344 species; last updated: 2021.04.26]
ILORA_9_Occurrence [data available for 889 species; last updated: 2021.09.11]
ILORA_10_LULC [data available for 880 species; last updated: 2021.09.11]
ILORA_11_Anthromes [data available for 885 species; last updated: 2021.09.11]
ILORA_12_Ecoregions [data available for 889 species; last updated: 2021.09.11]
Climatic requirements (temperature, precipitation, climate classes)
ILORA_13_Climate [data available for 889 species; last updated: 2021.09.11]
ILORA_14_Summary [last updated: 2021.09.11]
ILORA_15_CultivatedSpecies [last updated: 2021.04.26] [last updated: 2021.01.28]